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Dormant Company Package Fee
We understand that sometimes business is at its low, you may consider to slow down the business. However, you still want to sustain the company at low cost so that you can recommence the business easily when you are ready.
As a leading corporate services provider, 3E Accounting always wanted to help SME in Singapore by providing our customers efficient and effective services at economical prices.
With implementation of technology and automation of our system, we able to cut the cost to the minimum and charging you a minimum fee of $500 (W/GST $545) for preparing the dormant management account and assist in filing of annual return with ACRA if you engaged our secretarial services.
Package Fee for Dormant Company in Singapore
Package available | Fee (SGD) |
Dormant Company Package – Preparation of management account for Annual Return filing purposes | $500 (W/GST $545) |
You will be able to enjoy our Dormant Company Package at $500 (W/GST $545) only if you fulfill the terms and conditions below:
– Engaging our Secretarial Services
– Exempted from prepare financial statement @
– Waiver of Income Tax Return (Form C-S/ C) Submission is completed. We can assist you to submit at $250 (W/GST $272.50) and the fee is one off.
– Your company is dormant and with minimal transactions such as bank charges and 3E Accounting expenses in your account.
@ With effect from 3 January 2016, A dormant non-listed company (other than a subsidiary of a listed company) is exempt from requirement to prepare financial statements, if:
(a) the company fulfills the substantial assets test; and
(b) the company has been dormant from the time of formation or since the end of the previous financial year.
According to the substantial assets test, the total assets of the company at any time within the financial year must not exceed $500,000. For a parent company, the consolidated total assets of group at any time within the financial year must not exceed $500,000.
See Dormant Company Filing Requirement for more information.