Important Information on Filing of XBRL Financial Statements with ACRA

Important Information on Filing of XBRL Financial Statements with ACRA

Important Details of Information on Filing of XBRL Financial Statements with ACRA XBRL Filing Errors: Requirement to Ensure Accuracy and Completeness of XBRL Financial Statements Filed with ACRA Companies filing XBRL financial statements with ACRA are reminded to ensure that the information filed is accurate and complete. This requirement, as detailed in Practice Direction 1…

Tripartite Guidelines Developed for Employers to Give Greater Clarity on Leave Benefits and Notice Period for Term Contract Employees

Leave Benefits and Notice Period for Term Contract Employees

Tripartite Guidelines Developed for Employers to Give Greater Clarity on Leave Benefits and Notice Period for Term Contract Employees The Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), have jointly developed a set of Tripartite Guidelines on the Employment of Term Contract Employees. Although the majority of…

Further extension of time for private companies to update shareholder information

Further extension of time for private companies to update shareholder information

Further extension of time for private companies to update shareholder information In December 2015,  ACRA announced that it would be maintaining the registers of members for private companies setup in electronic form (EROM) from 3 Jan 2016 onwards. Private companies were required to update shareholder information that will be recorded in the EROM. These companies…

Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment

Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment

Singapore Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment The Singapore economy is highly exposed to global trends and companies often find that they have to restructure to stay competitive. As businesses adjust, they should consider alternative ways of managing their excess manpower such as upskilling employees and redesigning jobs. However, if retrenchment is…

Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced for Greater Employment Support to Older Workers

Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced for Greater Employment Support to Older Workers

Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced at the Committee of Supply Debate on 8 April 2016 that the re-employment age will be raised from 65 to 67 on 1 July 2017. To prepare employers and employees for this change in the re-employment landscape,…