Job Vacancies 2016

Job Vacancies 2016

Job Vacancies 2016 – Research by Ministry of Manpower Singapore 5 in 10 job vacancies are PMET jobs; mainly education, healthcare, infocomm and service-related occupations Nearly half of all vacancies as at 30 September 2016 were for professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs). The job openings were mainly education, healthcare, infocomm and service-related occupations. These…

Committee on Future Economy

Committee on Future Economy

Committee on Future Economy SINGAPORE: This country has over the years enjoyed sustained economic growth and successfully weathered many economic crises. Singapore’s economy has become more diversified and people in the country today enjoy a very good quality of life. The approach taken by the Singapore government to ensure its economy remains vibrant is through…

Improving Re-Employment Opportunities for Older Workers in Singapore

Improving Re-employment Opportunities for Older Workers

Improving Re-Employment Opportunities for Older Workers in Singapore Retirement and Re-employment (Amendment) Bill 2016 and Revised Tripartite Guidelines on the Re-employment of Older Employees The Retirement and Re-employment (Amendment) Bill 2016 was passed by Parliament on 9 January 2017. In April 2016, MOM announced that following extensive tripartite consultations, the tripartite partners had agreed for…