Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Updates Guidelines for E-Payments Transaction Notification

Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Updates Guidelines for E-Payments Transaction Notification

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Updates Its E-payments Guidelines Based on Customer Feedback Customers of financial institution can continue setting a threshold of e-payment notifications even when the guidelines take effect end of June 2019. Customers of financial institutions and banks are advised to receive an alert whenever the customer makes an electronic payment…

Entrepreneurs Need ACRA’s Essentials of Starting a Business (ESB)

Entrepreneurs Need ACRA’s Essentials of Starting a Business (ESB)

Entrepreneurs Need ACRA’s Essentials of Starting a Business (ESB) to Build, Start and Maintain a Successful Business in Singapore If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur eager to make your breakthrough success, the Essentials of Starting a Business (ESB) online course is what you need.  Provided online for free, the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Singapore…

Singpass Mobile Now Available to Be Used as National Digital Identity for Limited Services

SingPass Mobile Now Available to Be Used as National Digital Identity for Limited Services

SingPass Mobile Now Available to Be Used as National Digital Identity to Access Certain Services The SingPass Mobile app will now be available to resident with features such as the national digital identity which will be allowed for some services. The SG-Verify developed by the Government which will allow Singapore residents to use their SingPass…