The 3 Global Leaders of Digital Transformation: Electronics, Pharmaceutical, and Semiconductor Industries

The 3 Global Leaders of Digital Transformation: Electronics, Pharmaceutical, and Semiconductor Industries

The 3 Global Leaders of Digital Transformation: Electronics, Pharmaceutical, and Semiconductor Industries Three industries are leading the charge when it comes to global digital transformation. They are electronics, pharmaceutical, and semiconductors. These three industries are at the forefront because they are early adopters of advanced manufacturing concepts, technologies, and applications. This was one of the…

Singapore Develops Digital Economy Deals to Boost Connectivity Resilience

Singapore Develops Digital Economy Deals to Boost Connectivity Resilience

The Republic Will Not Rely on Its Population, Geographical Location, or Natural Resources Alone Singapore is developing digital economy deals to boost its connectivity and resilience. This is one approach the Republic has available to remaining relevant in the world. Singapore won’t rely on its population, geographical location, or natural resources alone. Instead, the Republic…

Singapore Sees Largest Rise in Digital Investments Among Financial Institutions

Singapore Sees Largest Rise in Digital Investments Among Financial Institutions

Covid-19 Responsible for Driving Digital Investments Up Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the rise in digital investments saw Singapore experiencing the largest rise in digital investments among financial institutions. The boost in investment rose because of the need brought about by Covid-19. This was an attempt by the banks to help boost their online offerings. The…