Job Vacancies 2016

Job Vacancies 2016

Job Vacancies 2016 – Research by Ministry of Manpower Singapore 5 in 10 job vacancies are PMET jobs; mainly education, healthcare, infocomm and service-related occupations Nearly half of all vacancies as at 30 September 2016 were for professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs). The job openings were mainly education, healthcare, infocomm and service-related occupations. These…

Committee on Future Economy

Committee on Future Economy

Committee on Future Economy SINGAPORE: This country has over the years enjoyed sustained economic growth and successfully weathered many economic crises. Singapore’s economy has become more diversified and people in the country today enjoy a very good quality of life. The approach taken by the Singapore government to ensure its economy remains vibrant is through…

Improving Re-Employment Opportunities for Older Workers in Singapore

Improving Re-employment Opportunities for Older Workers

Improving Re-Employment Opportunities for Older Workers in Singapore Retirement and Re-employment (Amendment) Bill 2016 and Revised Tripartite Guidelines on the Re-employment of Older Employees The Retirement and Re-employment (Amendment) Bill 2016 was passed by Parliament on 9 January 2017. In April 2016, MOM announced that following extensive tripartite consultations, the tripartite partners had agreed for…

ASC publishes the 2017 volume of FRSs and INT FRSs and the SFRS for Small Entities

ASC publishes the 2017 Volume of FRSs and INT FRSs and the SFRS for Small Entities

ASC publishes the 2017 volume of FRSs and INT FRSs and the SFRS for Small Entities The Accounting Standards Council (ASC) publishes the 2017 volume of Financial Reporting Standards (FRSs) and Interpretations of Financial Reporting Standards FRSs (INT FRSs) and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standard for Small Entities (SFRS for Small Entities)  that is applicable…