Singapore at Forefront of ASEAN’s Industry 4.0 Revolution

Singapore at Forefront of ASEAN’s Industry 4.0 Revolution

Singapore Lead the Way of ASEAN’s Industry 4.0 Revolution The next wave of digital disruption is rapidly changing the economy as it sweeps through the different sectors across business, communications, impacting society and the individual. While the disruptions brought by technologies are catalysts of the change, they are also the transformative element of the manufacturing…

Singapore is the World’s Most Competitive Economy

Singapore is the World’s Most Competitive Economy

Singapore is the World’s Most Competitive Economy: World Economic Forum Global Economic Competitiveness Report For more than 40 years, the World Economic Forum has been assessing countries’ long-term competitiveness in terms of economic growth and productivity. National competitiveness, as defined by the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), is “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that…