Work-Life Works, 3E Accounting – An Accounting Firm That Promotes Work-Life Harmony
We are honoured to be featured in Work-Life Works, 3E Accounting – An Accounting Firm That Promotes Work-Life Harmony, on 15 January 2017.
Work-Life Works’s write-up for 3E Accounting – An Accounting Firm That Promotes Work-Life Harmony.
3E Accounting offers employees flexible work arrangements, allowing them to take leave when required to take care of their family. With a family-oriented culture, the organisation was able to attract talent, especially women, who make up about 90% of the workforce.
In an industry associated with long hours, the management at 3E Accounting were determined to make a difference. Employees do not need to work on weekends and most of them are able to go home on time.
3E Accounting focuses on people development, and identifies high potential administrative staff, providing them with training to take on other roles, such as immigration consultants, human resource personnel and compliance officers. This emphasis on employee capability and experiences rather than just getting a certificate, has enabled 3E Accounting to develop its talents from within.
To foster greater relationships and build bonds between colleagues, company trips to Korea and Hong Kong were organised, with plans to go to Australia next year.
Annual surveys are conducted to gather employee feedback. Their recent survey revealed that 90% of staff are happy with the current work-life programmes offered and are proud to be part of the organisation.
These initiatives have clearly paid off. Not only does the organisation enjoy low turnover and high retention, it is able to attract talent. Its positive work environment has also contributed to tremendous business growth.
3E Accounting was mentioned by TAFEP (Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices) in their Facebook page for being featured as a firm that promotes work life balance Singapore on The Straits Times and Work-Life Works!
Work-Life Works! – January 2017
Work-Life Works! is a work-life resource portal developed by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), in partnership with the Tripartite Committee on Work-Life Strategy. The portal aims to provide an integrated resource platform to assist employers in the implementation of work-life strategies and to increase awareness among employees and the general public.
3E Accounting Pte. Ltd. wishes to thank Work-Life Works! for sharing our story and all staff and clients for their tremendous support.