3E Accounting’s Massive Success in Digital Transformation Journey
The Singapore Computer Society (SCS) has presented a case study on how 3E Accounting has propelled our success in digitalization as the pioneering robotics accounting firm in line with Singapore’s Smart Nation initiatives.
As a premier corporate service provider with profound expertise in providing professional services such as accounting, business advisory, corporate secretarial, taxation, and human resource, 3E Accounting recognizes the importance of technological advancements to create new business models. The firm has stayed ahead of the game, developing and re-engineering traditional business processes throughout the years.
Recognizing the Importance of New Technological Growth Areas
Our Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Lawrence Chai, always have a strong interest and passion for innovation and technology. Since the founding of 3E Accounting back in 2011, technology was introduced with the intention to help improve and maximize employee productivity. Having relevant digital skills and a good understanding of the digital landscape is no longer a choice but a necessity. This initiative has allowed the firm to differentiate itself from our industry peers.
Understanding the importance of technology, the firm set up the Digital Research and Development (DR&D) team to lead development in new technological growth areas like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). A digital master plan was also established to lay out the firm’s ambition to develop into the first global SME robotic accounting firm by indicating future industry trends and devising a roadmap for action, as 3E Accounting continues to integrate technology into all our business processes and ambitions towards becoming a disruptor in the Accounting and Professional Services Industry.
Guidelines for Digital Transformation
The first step in the firm’s digitalization journey was to place all the necessary infrastructure in place. Understanding the digital revolution in the business landscape, substantial investments are needed to research and develop innovative automation robotics and reliable IT infrastructure.
Digitalization has helped to increase 3E Accounting’s work productivity. As the firm expands, we continue to invest more time and effort to refine and improve the technologies used. Training is the key for our staff to master technology. At 3E Accounting, we believe in life-long learning and we have various training programs and support in place to ensure our staff is equipped with the relevant skills and knowledge they need for their current and future roles. As the digital landscape continues to evolve and new technologies are being adopted at workplaces, maintaining a high level of digital competence among staff ensures efficiency for the firm.
Driven by technology and innovation, 3E Accounting has transformed from a traditional accounting firm to a digital accounting firm over the years. With digitalization, the firm is now able to go 100% digital and paperless through the deployment of cloud and automation solutions, resulting in a substantial increase of firm productivity. With the above implementations, we have also achieved significant time and manpower savings.
To maintain the market position as a leading accounting firm in Industry 4.0, 3E Accounting has completed our digital transformation and now strives towards developing into the world’s first robotic accounting firm.