3E Accounting Pte. Ltd. was being recognised as one of the Early Adopters of Tripartite Standards in October 2017. They were listed as an employer who have signed the Tripartite Standards, declaring that they have fulfilled all the requirements of specific Tripartite Standards, committing themselves towards adopting progressive and fair employment practices.
Today’s portable and accessible electronic devices have increased the workloads with technology that keeps everyone constantly connected to their jobs. Many people realised the importance and benefits of a healthy work-life balance. Achieving a healthy work-life balance requires managing our working and personal life in sustainable ways that keep us moving forward as well as maintaining our physical and mental health.
Knowing the positive impact of work-life balance, the Singaporean government has given due attention to cultivate a balanced workplace that never neglects personal life. Earlier this week, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) launched a new tripartite standard to encourage flexible work arrangements among Singapore’s companies. Launched on October 6, 2017 by Second Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo, the new Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements aims to encourage and ensure the implementation of flexible work arrangements like part-time work and job-sharing, staggered hours and a shorter working week, as well as telecommuting.
Jointly developed by MOM, National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation, the Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements symbolise the new chapter of the work-life balance working culture in Singapore. On top of that, the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) will work with employers [who wish to adopt the new standard] by conducting relevant workshops to help them with this. In addition to the aids by government agencies, funding via the WorkPro Work-Life Grant is available for companies who want to adopt and implement the new standard at their workplace. Another perk that benefits the employers is that those who have implemented the Standard will be listed on TAFEP’s website and they are allowed to use a logo that highlights them as progressive employers, as part of their marketing strategies and staff-retention efforts.
The new voluntary standard offers guidelines to employers on how to implement such flexible work arrangements like types of arrangements that are available as well as how to request for them. A senior management member will be appointed to lead the flexible work arrangements. The request for flexible work arrangement will be evaluated by supervisors who will also manage and track employees who are on flexible work arrangements.
Famously known as one of the accounting firms that encourage and practice work-life balance, 3E Accounting Singapore has put work-life balance at the forefront. 3E Accounting Singapore values its human resource as one of the important assets, and they strive to provide the positive working environment with good employee benefits and high morale. One thing that worth mentioning that 3E Accounting is the Early Adopter of Tripartite Standard, both Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements and Employment of Term Contract Employees. They are among the 250 companies that have signed up to the standard, positioning themselves as one of the progressive employers that have adopted this standard.
According to its managing director Mr.Lawrence Chai in one of the recent news, work-life balance is the most-needed element in today’s hectic lifestyle and working environment. Mr. Lawrence Chai says that 3E Accounting has taken up the initiative to adopt the Tripartite Standards from the very beginning because they believe that a balanced workplace is the key to boost productivity. He urges more firms and companies to embrace and incorporate work-life balance at their workplace.
TAFEP – October 2017
The Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) promotes the adoption of fair, responsible and progressive employment practices among employers, employees and the general public.
3E Accounting Pte. Ltd. wishes to thank TAFEP and all staffs and clients for their tremendous support.