3E Accounting Singapore achieves bizSAFE Level 3 – Risk Management (RM) Plan Certified
3E Accounting is certified by Auditing Organisation (AO) recognised by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) to be bizSAFE Level 3 ready. The certification means that 3E Accounting has implemented Risk Management (RM) Plan in the workplace to address all risks in accordance with Workplace Safety and Health Council guidelines.
What is bizSAFE
bizSAFE is a programme designed to help companies build workplace safety and health capabilities. The programme was expanded to incorporate SGSecure to help companies to put in place measures to manage potential terror threats in September 2017.
Workplace accidents are costly as they impact the individual’s health and the company suffers from losses in areas such as working time, infrastructure, hardware and software, data as well as staff morale. Through corporate risk management and setting of safety standards, companies can benefit from lowered accident rates, higher productivity, improved staff morale as well as a better corporate image.
By implementing a certified Risk Management (RM) Plan, 3E Accounting will effectively control upstream risks through elimination, substitution and engineering controls, as well as holistically assess safety and health risks, taking into consideration human and cultural factors that can influence the outcome of risk assessment. With this structured approach, we demonstrate our management’s commitment towards workplace safety and health (WSH), to acquire risk management capabilities and to implement a WSH management system.
Integral to bizSAFE programme, 3E Accounting is committed to SGSecure to prevent and deal with terrorism, as an attack can disrupt business operations and lives may be lost. As an employer, we play an important role in preparing our workforce and workplaces against crises. Through taking active steps, we can prepare our workforce, protect our workplace and partner our community.
Risk are identified, measured, addressed and reviewed in a continuous virtuous cycle of processes:
- In the risk assessment phase, we identify hazards through risk mapping to determine the nature and magnitude of past and potential loss. Through the results, we then evaluate and prioritize resources toward mitigating the risk. The risks will then be put through the various methods of risk control.
- In the implementation phase, management approval is obtained and control measures are implemented. Communication to all staff is done with regards to the hazards identified as well as their corresponding control methods. Audit and inspections will also take place regularly to ensure correct implementation.
- In the record keeping phase, key information are stored for at least 3 years and are made available upon request.
- In the review phase, the risk assessments are regularly reviewed to ensure proper compliance. Also, updates of the risk management process are communicated to all staff on an ongoing basis to increase awareness.
How does bizSAFE relate to you as our stakeholder
bizSAFE certifies that 3E Accounting has demonstrated greatest compliance with risk management regulations, hones our business’ competitive edge and improves our brand engagement with our stakeholders. It also represents our commitment to ensuring that our employees enjoy a safer and healthier working environment.
Holistically, it enables us to be a more responsible corporate citizen to all our stakeholders and the business ecosystem at large.
What’s next
Having achieved Level 1 (Understand Legal Obligations and WSH Policy), Level 2 (Learn about Risk Management and Assessment Methodology) and Level 3 (Implement Risk Management), 3E Accounting will continue our journey and is progressing towards Level 4 (Learn about WSH Management System).
Awareness in workplace safety and health, as well as SGSecure is expected to have long-lasting and far-reaching benefits for all stakeholders.