3E Accounting Conferred Plaque of Commendation at May Day Awards 2021
3E Accounting is honoured to receive the Plaque of Commendation from the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) at the May Day Awards 2021.
The Plaque of Commendation is presented to organisations for exemplary contributions towards the Labour Movement and support its initiatives. As a world-leading corporate service provider with deep expertise in providing professional services such as accounting, business advisory, corporate secretarial, taxation and human resource, 3E Accounting is the pioneer SME accounting firm to be unionised and works in close collaboration with the Labour Movement to obtain fair and progressive outcomes for all of our employees.
3E Accounting Protects and Advances Employees’ Interests
Employees at 3E Accounting are encouraged to grow and acquire relevant skillsets through a slew of training opportunities provided by the Head of Department (HOD), SkillsFuture Singapore and other external training providers.
3E Accounting set up its Company Training Committee (CTC) to work with NTUC e2i, Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU), NTUC U SME and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to jointly develop the Operation & Technology Roadmap (OTR) which facilitates business transformation and increases employees’ value creation and productivity through the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.
As one of the early adopters of Tripartite Standards and the pioneer cohort in the Human Capital Partnership, 3E Accounting has put in place progressive HR policies which includes flexible work arrangements, age-friendly practices, an array of leave types as well as health and insurance benefits to provide work-life harmony at the workplace for our employees.
While the firm provides attractive employee perks, incentives and remuneration packages, 3E Accounting also emphasizes a culture of learning, innovation, and the spirit of continuous improvement, to achieve optimal business results as we aspire to become the first global SME robotics accounting firm.