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Your Go-to Guide for Selecting UEN For Businesses in Singapore

All businesses and companies legally operating in Singapore share one essential feature: they are each assigned a Unique Entity Number (UEN). This unique identifier, mandated by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), is required for all registered businesses and serves as their official identification for interactions with government agencies. If you’re setting up a new business or managing an established business, understanding how to obtain UEN and use your UEN is vital. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the UEN, equipping you to navigate Singapore’s corporate landscape confidently.

UEN Identification Singapore

What is the UEN number?

The Unique Entity Number (UEN) is a government-issued 9 or 10-digit identification number assigned to all registered business entities, including companies, sole proprietorships, and limited liability partnerships. It is a permanent, unique identifier that simplifies interactions with government agencies. Your UEN is your one number for convenient interaction with government agencies. Whether filing your corporate tax returns or applying for import and export permits, you will no longer need to use different numbers to interact with government agencies. 

A UEN Identification Number in Singapore is mandatory because businesses, local companies, LLPs, societies, and similar entities must rely on it when transacting and dealing with government agencies.

Once a company has been incorporated and registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore, a UEN number will be generated, which will be used to identify the registered business entity moving forward. This number is generated free of charge for all businesses. 

How did the UEN come about?

UEN is an iGov2010 initiative to delight customers and connect citizens through Infocomm. It is a multi-agency initiative, co-led by the Ministry of Finance and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and managed by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore in partnership with other government agencies.

The proposal to have a UEN was mooted in 2005. A public consultation exercise was carried out from December 2005 to January 2006. Currently, government agencies do not have a common identification number for entities. Entities have to use different identification numbers to interact with different government agencies. This is inconvenient for the entities and inefficient for the government. 

The UEN, being a single identification number for interactions with the government, will bring convenience, simplify and reduce possible errors caused by using multiple numbers, thus speeding up transactions with government agencies.


How do you obtain a UEN Number in Singapore? 

After registering business in Singapore, you can find your Unique Entity Number (UEN) on your business profile. However, if your business is not yet registered, you will not have a UEN. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to register your business and obtain your UEN:

1. Choose Your Business Structure

Singapore offers various business structures, each tailored to different needs. Most business owners opt for either a Private Limited (Pte Ltd) company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), each with distinct advantages and requirements.

2. Register Your Business in Singapore

You can easily complete your company registration through the BizFile+ portal. The registration process is quick and typically completed in one session, except for certain regulated industries like architecture, real estate, and defence.

3. Consider a Special UEN (SUN)

You can opt for a Special UEN (SUN), a unique, memorable number with an aesthetically pleasing design. Acquiring a Special UEN comes with an additional cost beyond the regular business registration fees. Since February 9, 2018, business owners can choose their preferred UEN number. You can select from a list of reserved UENs during the registration or conversion process for a small fee.

A Special UEN(SUN) is optional; if you don’t need a personalized number, you can stick with the system-generated UEN assigned automatically.

  • Note that you can only request a Special UEN during business registration. If you wish to change your UEN to a SUN later, you must register a new business or change your business type. For example, if you convert a sole proprietorship into a company, you can select an SUN for your new entity.

4. Verify Your UEN After Registration

Once your registration is complete, you will receive a business profile containing your UEN. You can verify your UEN or check the UEN of any other entity by conducting a free search on BizFile+ or

What is the Purpose of a Special UEN (SUN)?

Special UEN (SUNSs) are used by business owners to easily identify their number and, more importantly, to remember it whenever they are required to perform any transactions with government agencies. Remembering a number you choose is easier than remembering a series of randomly generated digits that possibly hold no significant meaning.


How Would I Apply for a  Special UEN ( SUN)?

Business owners can apply an SUN during the incorporation and registration process or the conversion to another business entity.

The option to select your SUN will be available during the payment stage for transactions in BizFile.

There are two tiers of SUNs which business entity owners can choose from:

  • Tier 1: For a fee of $3,000 per SUN, your SUN would be a number with either the same consecutive numbers or any combination of numbers which involves the number 8.
  • Tier 2: For a fee of $1,000 per SUN, your SUN number would consist of a repetitive pattern which excludes the number 8. The number would end with the same three identical numbers, for example, 222, 555 or 777.

Examples of SUN under each tier:

Category Criteria Company Business Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Limited Partnership (LP) Public Accounting Firm (PAF)
Tier 1 Consecutive same number 201888888A 53499999V T18LL7777F T18LP2222J T18PF1111P
Any number combination involving ‘8’ 201800800K 53480008L T18LL8000O T18LP0008H T18PF8800X
Tier 2 Repetitive Pattern 
(excluding ‘8’)
201812121R 53410101G T18LL7070F T18LP3535J T18PF1010R
Ending with triple identical number 201801777W 53415666P T18LL1222N T18LP5222S T18PF1666M


Note: The underlined parts are prefixes and suffixes of UEN, which are system-generated and cannot be changed. 


How Does UEN Affect Business in Singapore?

– UEN shall be your entity’s single identification number for interaction with government agencies.

– UEN replaces all other identification numbers issued by different government agencies.

For example, you can use it to file corporate tax returns, apply for import and export permits, or submit the employee’s CPF contribution.

– Businesses and local companies currently registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) will retain their ACRA Registration Number as their UEN. This minimises the impact of UEN, as these two entity types constitute 85% of all registered entities in Singapore.


Choosing Your Preferred UEN Identification

Ready to Secure Your UEN?

Getting your UEN is the first step toward operating a registered business in Singapore.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can search for an entity’s UEN at You can search by:

  • Starting With – Enter the first characters of the entity’s name.
  • Exact Match – Enter the full name as registered.
  • Containing – Enter any part of the entity’s name.

UENs are not issued to:

  • Individuals (they have their own ID number).
  • Foreign-based companies with no interaction with the local government.
  • Sub-entities of a Singapore company (e.g., branches).
    Note: Some agencies may assign sub-entity codes for branch identification.

To update your UEN details (e.g., address or business activity), you must inform the relevant UEN Issuance Agency. Keeping your UEN information current ensures smooth communication with government agencies. Changes typically take up to two weeks.

No, the UEN is permanent and remains the same, even if your business name changes. If your company closes or ceases operations, the registration must be officially canceled.

Ready to Secure Your UEN?

Getting your UEN is the first step toward operating a registered business in Singapore.