Parliament In Talks About How Singaporean Workers Will Benefit from New Singapore Work Pass
Singapore is planning to introduce the new work pass next year. The work pass is aimed at some of the world’s top foreign talent. The question on the table is how best to track the progress of these pass holders. How does the Government determine that the top foreign talent workers will transfer their expertise and skills to Singaporeans?
Is There a Need for a New Work Pass?
The new Singapore work pass is called the Overseas Networks and Expertise (One) Pass. The Government believes that this pass is necessary since current policies can only do so much to develop Singapore.
The aim of the new Singaporean work pass is to help grow new economic areas in the country. In the long run, this will provide more opportunities for Singaporeans. Simultaneously, Singaporeans should also be open to doing a stint abroad to gain new skills.
To advance as a nation, Singaporeans must always be on the lookout for opportunities to diversify their skills.
The New One Pass
The new Singapore work pass is for foreigners who earn a minimum of $30,000 monthly. The One Pass has a longer duration compared to the current Employment Pass (EP). The pass also allows the top talent greater flexibility.
Foreigners are given the flexibility to work for multiple companies if they choose. Provided these companies are based in Singapore. Pass holders are also exempted from the new points-based approval system.
The EP system that is in place allows companies to bridge the skills gap by bringing in foreign talent. This helps to fill positions that local talents currently cannot fill. That is, until such time when Singaporeans can be trained to take on those jobs.
The new One Pass must ensure that the local-foreign employment gap does not become a permanent fault line. There must be a way to ensure foreign talent pass on their skills to the locals.
How the One Pass Will Benefit Singaporeans
The Government believes that the new Singapore work pass will be beneficial for Singaporeans. For example, by helping to develop a new line of business by equipping Singaporeans with the skills they need. Foreign talent can be brought on board to teach, advise, or consult and share their expertise.
Small and medium enterprises, in particular, stand to gain a lot. By tapping into the knowledge that the top foreign talent has to offer, SMEs can bridge the current gaps in their business model.
At its core, the new Singapore work pass will fulfil the objective of discovering new economic areas that Singapore can delve into. Singapore already has a lot of programmes in place that are aimed at developing the nation. This includes the Capability Transfer Programme, SkillsFuture, and Enterprise Development Grant.
The Right Ecosystem of Policies
For the time being, there is no rule about how skills transfers should take place and how long it should take. Skills transfer is not a straightforward or simple process. Pushing too hard for such an approach might deter foreign talent from coming to Singapore at the end of the day.
For now, the best approach is to have the right ecosystem of policies in place. These policies will help incentivise businesses and guide them in selecting the right foreign workers.