Mobile Application Policy

3E Accounting Pte Ltd is the leading corporate service provider, takes privacy issues very seriously.

At 3E Accounting, these are the fundamental privacy principles which we are committed to abiding by:

  • No personal information will be requested unless absolutely necessary.
  • Your personal information will never be shared unless if it is required by law, to protect the company’s rights or to assist in product or services development and operation.
  • No personal information will be stored on our company’s servers or offsite servers provided by third-parties unless it is necessary for on-going operational purposes.
  • We aim to simplify our mobile application and social networking products and services to make it easier for you to control what can be seen by the public, what can be detected by search engines, what information you would like to keep private and what information should be permanently deleted.

As such, we have designed our Mobile Application Privacy Policy to incorporate our company’s goals.


3E Accounting’s Mobile Application Privacy Policy

At 3E Accounting, we operate a mobile application. As such, we maintain strict respect for the privacy for the users our Application when it comes to information that is collected through our Application. Hence, our Mobile Application Privacy Policy covers the following aspects:


1. Policy Regarding Personally-Identifying User Information

Some users of our Application will interact with our services in a way which requires our company to gather personally-identifying information.

1.1 – How much information and the type that gets collected will depend mostly on the nature of our user’s interaction. For example, if our users were to access a social networking site through our Application, they will have to provide an email address to log in with, along with a username, address, phone number, first name, last name, and depending on what they do, reveal some financial information for certain transactions.

1.2 – As such, our company will only collect information which is either deemed appropriate or necessary, and we will not share other personally-identifying information.

1.3 –  The user always has the option not to share their information should they choose to.


2. Policy Regarding Non-Personally Identifying User Information

At 3E Accounting, we may have to rely on third-party service provides from time to time.

2.1. – These services will be used to collect non-personally identifying information which mobile applications generally make readily available. Such information includes:

  • The type of device used to open the Application
  • Location
  • Operating system
  • User statistics on aggregate

2.2. – At times, our company may need to monitor what the most popular features of the Application are.

2.3. – Collecting such information will make it easier for us to understand how our users are utilising or benefitting from the Application.

2.4. – Occasionally, we may be required to release the information collected via reports published by third-parties, or reports which disclose trends in the Application’s usage.


3. Policy Regarding Personally-Identifying Information Sharing

At 3E Accounting, personally-identifying information is only shared with the following individuals:

3.1. – Information will be shared with employees of 3E Accounting.

3.2. – Information will be shared with contractors and organisations affiliated with 3E Accounting. This information will be shared with these parties if it is needed to continue providing the necessary services through the Application. There must be an agreement not to disclose this information to other parties.

3.3. – These employees, affiliate organisations or contractors may at times be located outside the home country of the user.

3.4. – 3E Accounting’s policy is to never sell or rent this information unless lawfully required to do so, or if our company believes it to be necessary in good faith to reasonably disclose this information in order to protect the rights or property of the company, relevant third parties or the public at large.


4. Policy Regarding Email Addresses

Some users may need to submit their email addresses to 3E Accounting through the mobile application. As such, our company may at times be required by certain applicable laws to send occasionally email our users.

4.1. – Information which may be emailed to you include information about the latest features, keep you up to date on our latest products, and emails to solicit feedback from our users.

4.2. – Since 3E Accounting mainly relies on the use of product blogs to convey such information, emails are expected to be kept to a minimum.


5. Policy Regarding Push Notification

Push notifications may occasionally be sent to our users with your consent. These push notifications or alerts will be received on the device which are being used to access our Application.

5.1. – Notifications may be received even when you’re not logged into the Application. It may also be received if you’re not actively logged into the Application.

5.2. – The notifications and information received will be general information regarding our company and our products.

5.3. – Push notifications can be deactivated at any time by accessing the settings section of your Application.


6. Policy Regarding Protection of Information

3E Accounting takes a serious view of protecting our user’s information. As such, our company has taken all the reasonable and necessary measures to protect the identifiable information of our users.

6.1. – These measures are in place to protect your information from unauthorised use, access, loss, alteration and prevent against the destruction of your information.


7. Policy Regarding Cookies

3E Accounting acknowledges that we do use cookies as part of our Mobile Application.

7.1. – Cookies are employed for the purpose of remembering our user’s preferences.


8. Policy Regarding Do-Not-Track Disclosures

3E Accounting does not engage in collecting personally-identifiable information related to your activities online. Neither does the third-party organisations. No information will be gathered about your usage on our Application.

8.1. – Our Mobile Application does not responsive towards “Do Not Track” signals, and any other mechanism for such information collection purposes.


9. Policy Regarding Age Limitations

3E Accounting’s Mobile Application policy stipulates that our Application should not be readily available for anyone under the age of 13-years.

9.1. – 3E Accounting does not knowingly or actively collect personal information regarding those who are 13-years and under.

9.2. – Should you be a user under the age of 13-years, please do not attempt to use our Application, or otherwise, provide us with your personal information.

9.3. – 3E Accounting takes this policy seriously, and any data found gathered about a user under the age of 13-years will be automatically deleted.

9.4. – If you are a parent or a guardian who has become aware of a 13-year old using our Application, kindly contact us immediately.


10. Information Regarding Changes in Our Privacy Policy

3E Accounting may, from time to time, make minor changes in our privacy policy. This will be done at the sole discretion of the company.

10.1. – The changes will take effect from the date of the revision published on the page. Alternatively, it will be made accessible through the Application.

10.2. – We encourage our users to regularly check on our page for updates and changes in our privacy policy.

10.3. – Should you have an account with our company, you may also access your social network dashboard for any alerts regarding these changes.


11. Acknowledgement

Per the information in this policy, you are acknowledging consent to the collection, sharing and use of your personal information by using our Mobile Application.


12. Contacting 3E Accounting

You may contact us at [email protected] for information regarding any personally-identifying information that may have been collected. You may also request any necessary changes needed.

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