Evolution of the Secretary Position

Evolution of the Secretary Position

The Secretary Position is Continuously Evolving In the company’s board roles, a secretary has different duties and responsibilities. Each member values the secretary position. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority has a requirement that businesses in Singapore must appoint their own company secretary within 6 months when they are incorporated. The secretarial job has survived,…

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Importance of Employee Engagement

Importance of Employee Engagement

How is Employee Engagement Important to Your Company? Employee engagement is a primary principle in making your organization successful. It makes your staff happier, increases their productivity, and boosts profitability. If it’s not there, your staff can feel stuck and unmotivated. Managers have a better understanding of better employee engagement and how it becomes hand…

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What is a B2B company?

What is a B2B company?

B2B Company: What It Is and What It Offers Modern businesses are not self-sufficient in all of their essential operations. This is because every modern company needs to incorporate the latest tools and technologies to stay competitive. Furthermore, they must keep up with changing customer demands and rapidly evolving technologies. Therefore, it is evident that…

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