Filing of Income Tax Computations in Functional Currencies other than Singapore Dollars (S$) 

Filing of Income Tax Computations in Functional Currencies other than Singapore Dollars

Filing of Income Tax Computations in Functional Currencies other than Singapore Dollars (S$)  Companies that prepare their financial statements in non-Singapore dollars (S$) functional currencies are to prepare their tax computations in the same non-S$ functional currency. However, all amounts declared in the Income Tax Return must be in S$. Click here for more information.…

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Singapore’s Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements with Rwanda and Thailand Come into Force

Double Taxation Agreements with Rwanda and Thailand

Filing of Income Tax Computations in Functional Currencies Other Than Singapore Dollars The new Singapore-Rwanda Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) and a revised Singapore-Thailand DTA enter into force on 15 February 2016. The DTAs provide clarity on tax matters and eliminate double taxation relating to cross-border transactions between Singapore and the respective jurisdictions. The…

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Singapore-Luxembourg Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement Enter Into Force

Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements

Singapore-Luxembourg Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement Enter Into Force The revised Singapore-Luxembourg Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) entered into force on 28 December 2015. The revised DTA lowers the withholding tax rates for dividends, interest and royalties, lengthens the period test for determining permanent establishments as well as provides a more mutually favourable tax…

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