Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment

Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment

Singapore Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment The Singapore economy is highly exposed to global trends and companies often find that they have to restructure to stay competitive. As businesses adjust, they should consider alternative ways of managing their excess manpower such as upskilling employees and redesigning jobs. However, if retrenchment is…

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Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced for Greater Employment Support to Older Workers

Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced for Greater Employment Support to Older Workers

Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees Revised and WorkPro Schemes Enhanced The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced at the Committee of Supply Debate on 8 April 2016 that the re-employment age will be raised from 65 to 67 on 1 July 2017. To prepare employers and employees for this change in the re-employment landscape,…

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Initiatives to Raise Standards in Foreign Domestic Worker-Placing Employment Agencies

Initiatives to Raise Standards in Foreign Domestic Worker-Placing Employment Agencies

Initiatives to Raise Standards in Foreign Domestic Worker-Placing Employment Agencies The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has announced initiatives to further improve the professionalism of FDW-placing employment agencies (EAs). A new grading scheme called Trustmark and the Employment Agency Customer Rating system will be introduced for FDW-placing EAs. The initiatives were announced at an EA Seminar…

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Data Register Pte Ltd to Offer Eligible Subscribers to Terminate Subscription Account

Data Register Pte Ltd to Offer Eligible Subscribers Opportunity to Unsubscribe By Terminating Their Accounts ACRA had brought a total of 1,104 charges against Data Register Pte Ltd (previously known as “Company Register Pte Ltd”) in 2014/15 for issuing business correspondences in October and November 2013 which did not state its company name and registration number…

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