3E Accounting’s Professional Credentials

With 3E Accounting’s list of professional credentials, be assured that we provide top-notch professionalism. We are well-recognised to offer high standards of staff training and development opportunities for our employees.

We have been recognized by ACCA as an Approved Employer since 21 May 2012. The ACCA Approved Employer Program only names companies that ACCA recognizes to have high standards of staff training and development. With this award, you can be assured that 3E meets or exceeds global standards for its teaching and developmental support.

On 27 June 2013, 3E Accounting became the Accredited Training Organisaton (ATO) in Singapore. The Accreditation is given only for the company which provides adequate training and development opportunities for Candidates. We welcome the pioneer batch of Singapore QP candidates to join us today.

The NS Mark Accreditation

3E Accounting Pte Ltd is privileged to receive The NS Mark Gold Accreditation for supporting National Service by implementing pro-National Service policies and human resource practices.

3E Accounting Singapore - bizSAFE Level 4 Certification

3E Accounting is certified by Auditing Organisation (AO) recognised by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) to be bizSAFE Level 4 ready. The certification means that 3E Accounting has implemented Risk Management (RM) Plan in the workplace to address all risks in accordance with Workplace Safety and Health Council guidelines.

Human Capital Partner

On February 2017, 3E Accounting Pte Ltd was proud to be recognised as the pioneer batch for human capital partnership. The endorsement of “Human Capital Partner” recognises 3E Accounting as the employers of choice as well as possessing the expertise in human resource management. 

3E Accounting Is CPA Australia Recognised Employer Partner

Becoming a CPA Australia Recognised Employer Partner demonstrates 3E Accounting’s commitment to develop our employees to achieve the highest standard of professional recognition and skills. As a Recognised Employer Partner, employees in 3E Accounting enjoy professional recognition from CPA Australia and many training benefits.

3E Accounting Is ACCA Approved Employer

3E Accounting is recognized by ACCA as an Approved Employer since 21 May 2012. The ACCA Approved Employer Program only names companies that ACCA recognizes for having high standards of staff training and development. With this award, you can rest assured that 3E meets or exceeds global standards for its teaching and developmental support.


On October 2017, 3E Accounting Pte. Ltd. was being recognised as one of the Early Adopters of Tripartite Standards. Besides, 3E Accounting has adopted all the Eight Tripartite Standards on Mar 2019.

Tripartite Standards Term Employment

Tripartite Standards Age Friendly Workplaces

Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices

Tripartite Standards Media Freelancers

Tripartite Standards Flexible Work Arrangements

Tripartite Standard on Grievance Handling

Tripartite Standards Unpaid Care giving Leave

Tripartite Standards Self-Employed Persons

We were listed as an employer who have signed the Tripartite Standards, declaring that we have fulfilled all the requirements of specific Tripartite Standards, committing ourselves towards adopting fair and progressive employment practices.

3E Accounting Pte Ltd is qualified to provide the highest standards of employee training and professional development. We value every individual’s talent and growth. At 3E Accounting, not only do we work smart, we play hard too. Begin your professional journey with us today at 3E Accounting Career!