3E Accounting Newsletter

E-Newsletter December 2015

Dear Reader, Welcome to our E-Newsletter December 2015 PART 1 TAXATION The SIATP has issued the new Tax Alerts on its website, SIATP Tax News since the previous issue of the 3E E-Newsletter. The few key alerts are highlighted as below: > Corporate Tax Filing Season 2015: 3 Filing Mistakes Companies Should Avoid > GST: Guide for…

What Makes Singapore Business-Friendly

What Makes Singapore Business-Friendly

According to the Wealth Tracking Report, Singapore is becoming the primary choice of business for globe-trotting millionaires. In the past few decades, Singapore has emerged as one of Asia’s major financial and economic hubs and has been able to attract investors and businessmen from all over the world. According to a recent survey, 1 in…

3E Accounting Newsletter

E-Newsletter November 2015

Dear Reader, Welcome to our E-Newsletter November 2015 PART 1 TAXATION The SIATP has issued the new Tax Alerts on its website, SIATP Tax News since the previous issue of the 3E E-Newsletter. The few key alerts are highlighted as below: > Updates on PIC+ Scheme > Public Consultation on Income Tax Implications Arising from the Adoption…

3E Accounting Newsletter

E-Newsletter October 2015

Dear Reader, Welcome to our E-Newsletter October 2015 PART 1 TAXATION The SIATP has issued the new Tax Alerts on its website, SIATP Tax News since the previous issue of the 3E E-Newsletter. The few key alerts are highlighted as below: > IRAS Annual Report 2014/15: Singapore Achieves 90% On-Time Filing and Payment Rates for All Tax Types…